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Hundreds attend Pilgrimage to Msgr. Aloysius Ngobya

Various believers thronged the Sports Arena in Kitovu Hill to pay pilgrimage to the late Monsignor Aloysius Ngobya who died in the late 1985 and is said to have performed miracles during his lifetime on earth. Msgr Ngobya served the Catholic Church for about 71 years, having been ordained a priest in 1915. During this period, he is said to have performed miracles that not only made him a popular priest but also a feared one, as his curses were known to be effective

After his death, several Christians with various hardships have been making pilgrimage to his grave at Kitovu and praying for redemption. Having overcome their hardships, Christians agitated for Msgr. Ngobya’s beatification, forcing the Masaka diocesan leadership to set aside a special day for his pilgrimage.

A cross section of pilgrims during celebration of mass in honor of Msgr. Aloysius Ngobya at Sports Arena, Kitovu

The Holy Mass was led by Rev. Fr. Stephen Kijjambu, the Parish Priest at Kiziba Parish in Rakai district. He urged the pilgrims to believe in themselves despite all the difficulties that they go through. He urged them to pray and intercede for Msgr. Ngobya for his canonization process to commence.

Rev. Fr. Stephen Kijjambu, the Parish Priest of Kiziba delivering his homily

Rev. Fr. Dr. Edward Ssekabanja, the Masaka Diocesan Chancellor who is also the Chairperson of a commission of inquiry to ascertain whether Msgr Aloysius Ngobya deserves to be canonized, said Rome now requires a “medical miracle” for beatification and eventual canonization of Monsignor Aloysius Ngobya. He presented to the pilgrims a special team of three Priests including Fr. Richard Mugisha Junior, Fr. Kizito Nkonge and Fr. Michael Ssewakiryanga to document the historical facts about Msgr. Ngobya and present scientific evidence and testimonies from believers which will be presented to Rome.

Rev. Fr. Dr. Edward Ssekabanja, the Masaka Diocesan Chancellor and the Chairperson of a Commission of Inquiry in the canonization process of Monsignor Aloysius Ngobya


  1. Nagaddya Jacent

    I really appreciate God for the gift of our MSgr. Ngobya and always pray for God's grace such that our MSgr. Ngobya can be canonized.
    And I really appreciate for this good information coz it has reminded me that Pilgrimage and I was there too.

  2. Nagaddya Jacent

    May our good Lord look upon us with mercy in our petition and let our MSgr. Ngobya continue doing miracles in the presence of our good Lord such that he may be canonized. In the name Jesus Christ I pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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