The Bishop of Masaka Diocese, Rt. Rev. Serverus Jjumba, has called on Christians to have a deep, strong and child-like faith to depend on Jesus Christ for God’s unfailing blessings than seeking for signs and wanders from self-proclaiming individuals and churches. The Bishop has been the main celebrant during Ash Wednesday Mass that started at 07:00 in the Diocesan Cathedral at Our Lady of Sorrows, Kitovu in Masaka City.

He said some Catholics are being deceived because they no longer believe in God but rely on man for miracles to survive.
“A good catholic is not the one who goes to every place of worship, this is a hard time to fight with Satan in all ways. Abundant blessings will in diverse ways fall on those who trust in and depend on the Almighty God because the devil has nothing to offer,” he warned.

The Bishop further implored Christians to use this lent period to extend kindness to the needy people but, warns on those who pretend to be needy. Christians have been asked to work very hard so that they can earn a living as well as improving household income and individual livelihoods.

In attendance during mass where the Pokino of Buddu, Jude Mukeke, the deputy Pokino, Mrs.Nalubowa Rose Musajj’akawa, Masaka high court judge Christine Katamba among others.